Episode 65 - The Shining
Movie MistrialNovember 08, 2023
00:36:2733.39 MB

Episode 65 - The Shining

Dive into the eerie world of Stanley Kubrick's iconic psycho-horror masterpiece, "The Shining," in this episode of Movie Mistrial. Uncover the intrigue as we debate whether Jack Nicholson's performance is a captivating masterpiece or an instance of overacting, all while exploring the thrilling heights of horror the film has achieved.

Experience the spine-tingling brilliance of Jack Nicholson's unforgettable portrayal in one of the most enduring horror classics, setting a high bar for the genre.

Is Nicholson's performance a touch too intense, overshadowing the film's other elements? Tune in as we dissect this aspect and more.

Whose perspective do you align with - Raji or Johannes? Join the discussion as we unravel the enigmatic world of "The Shining."

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